
Monday, September 9, 2013

Sprinkler Systems: A Better Way to Irrigate Lawns

While some homeowners and property owners might consider the task to be tedious, watering the plants is one of the most important aspects of lawn care. Grass, shrubs, crops, and flowers all need water to survive because it is essential for photosynthesis. While “green thumbs” may find pleasure in using their own hands, there are many benefits to using technology for the simple job of watering lawns and gardens.

Sprinkler systems are considered to be a better alternative to garden hoses, as hand watering using garden hoses leads to water wastage. Aside from enhancing water conservation efforts, sprinklers can also provide greater watering coverage and range, making it a more efficient means of irrigating lawns. By using lawn sprinklers, homeowners and property owners no longer have to deal with cumbersome hoses, which are difficult to move about and store.

On the downside, sprinklers are quite difficult to install since this involves excavating the ground and laying down pipework throughout the lawn. Not only that, sprinkler systems have to be laid-out properly to provide sufficient coverage and maximum effectivity. Thankfully, there are professionals who can be hired to install and repair sprinklers. These professionals can also winterize sprinkler systems so that they can cope with freezing temperatures.